Key skills: Writer and creator. Concept art. Sequential page art. Storyboards. Script writing. Narrative.
Written and illustrated under Jason's nom de plume - Jay Gunn. Surface Tension is a cautionary ecological science fiction set on a remote British channel island during the aftermath of a mysterious and devastating pandemic (Titan Books - 200 pages). Surface Tension was optioned twice to be turned into a television show.
Review quotes:
'Surface Tension told a unique story, in a very entertaining way, something many superstar creators of today could learn from.' - Nerdly
'Surface Tension is a book of ideas, with some genuinely innovative moments. Surface Tension pushes pushes horror comics into new and exciting places. This is a book that deserves to be read and considered critically, warts and all.' - Scream Magazine
'I am a young 20-something (woman) blessed to be living in a diverse, metropolitan city where I have friends of all walks of life; varying age groups, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds. However, rarely is that kind of diversity present in literature. In graphic novels, it's nearly non-existent. However, Gunn does an excellent job of capturing layered and diverse characters, without having to rely on stereotypes or cliches.' - Geek Girl World
Art Direction: I chose to give Surface Tension a bright water based thematic art direction. The natural bright colours belie the cancer and the mutations lurking beneath the surface of the beautiful island setting. The horror unfolds in open daylight.

All images are property and copyright of Jason Wilson (Jay Gunn).